Business English Phrasen für Meetings
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Bei der Leitung eines Meetings in englischer Sprache ist eine klare und professionelle Kommunikation von größter Bedeutung. Hier sind einige Business English-Phrasen, die Ihnen bei der Einleitung eines Meetings helfen können:
So gelingt die Einleitung:
Ziel ist es, sich selbst vorzustellen, Rapport aufzubauen und die Agenda für das Meeting bekanntzugeben.
Ein Beispiel:
Good morning / good afternoon ladies and gentleman. Let me extend a warm welcome to everyone and say thank you for taking the time to be here today. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Helen Sippl and as head of the marketing department I shall head this meeting today. I am known for getting results, so be prepared to stay as long as is necessary to get the results ! Seriously, though, we will be taking the next three hours to cover the following points ……
Andere nützliche Redewendungen für die Einleitung:
- Let’s get started / let’s get the ball rolling.
- To start with just a few formalities and some organisational matters.
- As you can see from the agenda, lunch is planned for one o’clock and we are aiming to finish at six o’clock.
So sprechen Sie die Punkte auf der Agenda an:
- Ok, let me take you through the first item on the agenda.
- Does anyone have any further questions at this point ?
- Moving on then, …
- I think that resolves that issue.
- That brings us finally to any other business
Sagen Sie Ihre Meinung:
- I would like to suggest that we increase the price …
- If I may make a recommendation, I propose that we incease the price …
- In my opinion, we should increase the price …
- I believe we should increase the price ..
Sorgen Sie für einen regen Austausch:
- What are your thoughts ?
- What do you think ?
- Could I ask you for your opinion, please ?
- Where do you stand on this ?
- Let’s not get side-tracked / let’s keep to the point please
Fassen Sie zusammen und beenden Sie das Meeting positiv:
- Let me just run through the main points we’ve agreed
- I’d like to now summarise the decisions we’ve made
- I’ll just run through what we’ve decided so far
- Let me just thank everyone for their participation in this meeting. It has certainly been highly productive and we have some good ideas to work on. I Iook forward to seeing you all at our next monthly meeting and in the meantime I will keep you informed on our progress by E-Mail.