Reality check
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„OK it’s time for a reality check. „
This is a phrase often used in business and means it’s time to look at a situation realistically. When it is used the person saying it believes that whatever was suggested is not realistic or feasible.
Perhaps the Marketing department believes it is time to launch a new product and the Sales Director replies by saying „Time for a reality check, none of the salesteam has been trained on this product yet.“
- You give somebody a reality check: man öffnet jdm die Augen.
- You take a reality check: man schaut wie die Wirklichkeit tatsächlich aussieht
- You do a reality check: man blickt der Wahrheit ins Auge
Nehmen Sie sich vor, „reality check“ korrekt anzuwenden:
- it’s time for a reality check
- let me give you a reality check
- let’s take a reality check
- we need to do a reality check